Neighborhoods in The Columbia Northeast
The Columbia Northeast
The Columbia Northeast is primarily the 29229 zip code. It is the area bordered between I-20 E and I-77 N and bisected by Clemson Road. Some consider Blythewood as a part of the Columbia Northeast, but locals separate the Blythewood subdivisions from the Northeast Columbia subdivisions because of the different zip codes. The 29229 zip code(Columbia NE) and 29016 zip code (Blythewood) border each other at The Longcreek Plantation neighborhood. There are plenty of different styles of homes to choose from in each area. Most of the houses for sale in the Columbia Northeast are new construction or built in the past 15-20 years. Blythewood also has new home construction but some of the farms and land have not been developed and property owners tend to hold their ground by not selling their acreage. The main difference between the two is the lot size for homes. Typically, the older the home the larger the lot...but not always.
If you decide that you want something in an established area feel free to contact us and we can give you information about any particular neighborhood that you are interested in. There have to be over 100 neighborhoods in this area and it's difficult, even for us, to stay on top of the new developments in Northeast Columbia. But we are likely to have some information or experience in this let us know if you need any help.
Here are some neighborhoods in Northeast Columbia Area
Spring Valley homes from around the 1970s to new
The Summit homes from early 1990s to new
Lake Carolina homes from late 1990s to new
Wildewood around the 1970’s to new
Woodcreek homes from late 1990’s to new
Woodlands – homes from 1970’s to new
Brookhaven – homes from 2003 - New
Rainsborough – homes built in the early 1990’s
Blythewood SC Real Estate
Cobblestone Park 2005(redeveloped)- new
Longcreek Plantation homes from 1970s to new
Wren Creek homes around 2008 to new
Ashley Oaks homes around the 1980s to new
Crickentree homes from around the late 1980s to new
Windermere homes from the 1980’s to new
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