Why Create A Profile
How to: Create a Profile
Creating a profile | Columbia SC Real Estate
There are several reasons to register and create a profile on Hunt and Associates, LLC website. Although we will provide you with plenty of free searches from your mobile phone, or your personal computer, you may want to come back and review your searches later. You can save as many searches that you need and instantly refer back to them. As a member of the MLS in Columbia, I've found that this tool is much more valuable and user-friendly than anything that the CMLS members platform offers. You are getting most of what the MLS offers their users...but for free. We will NEVER sell your information and never spam your email inbox.
Our system goes way beyond what I have ever imagined. You can subscribe to an RSS feed that will keep you up to date on any new listings that come on the market or price reductions that fit into your price range. Looking for a pool? Here's how to set-up saved searches in 4 easy steps or view our how to video:
1. Just create a search selecting your area, price range and select "Pool"....
2. then simply click the "Save & Search" button.....
3. You will be prompted to name your search so that you can identify it......
4. Once this is done you can subscribe to a RSS feed.....
Now you will get instant alerts when properties come on the market or fall into your criteria. Just make sure your email address is current in your "Profile".
Here is our video with some extras.
- Brian Hunt
We feel that personal service and knowledge is the key to a good real estate transaction.
Please contact us with any questions that you have. We can be reached at the contact information below.
We also offer a free MLS Search
Hunt and Associates Real Estate Sales and Development
PO Box 725
Blythewood, SC
(803) 788-4250 Office
1-866-716-7719 Toll Free
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