Standard Commission Rates | Columbia Real Estate
What is the standard commission for Columbia SC?
If you find anyone that will answer this question you should warn him or her that they may be violating anti-trust laws. Anti Trust Laws prohibit price fixing and competitors trying to "stifle competition", according to the FTC website. The reason is because "price fixing" is illegal. If I were to say that the typical commission in Blythewood SC is X % and in Columbia SC it is Y % then this would imply that all agents and companies use a standard commission rate, which in turn means that they are attempting to set and control a market. It puts us as real estate agents in a difficult situation sometimes trying to explain what our rates are and what we pay other companies that we cooperate with. We have been taught throughout years of training that we must not discuss commission rates with other brokers, so we do not. What one company wants to charge for a service may be different from another company.
We feel that personal service and knowledge is the key to a good real estate transaction.
Please contact us with any questions that you have. We can be reached at the contact information below.
We also offer a free Columbia SC MLS Search
Hunt and Associates Real Estate Sales and Development
PO Box 725
Blythewood, SC
(803) 788-4250 Office
1-866-716-7719 Toll Free
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